Doctors May Be Responsible for a Birth Injury

Birth Injury Lawyers in MarylandThe birth process is nothing short of a miracle, and doctors and medical staff are there to ensure the safety of the mother and baby. Babies are especially vulnerable during birth and delivery. Carelessness with medical instruments or perhaps too much force applied to an arm or leg during delivery could result in a lifetime of disability or physical limitations for a child.

Hospitals or other medical facilities in Maryland may not always be  forthcoming with the facts  when mistakes occur during delivery, and parents whose children experienced birth injuries may be left wondering if their child was a victim of simple misfortune—or actually suffered harm due to the negligence of doctors or medical staff.

What causes birth injuries?

If there are complications during delivery, a newborn is at risk for many different kinds of injuries. The most common types of birth injuries involve the nerves in the neck and shoulders. If a doctor applies too much force to a baby’s neck or arm during a difficult delivery, those nerves in the spine or brachial plexus can be damaged. The brachial plexus is a group of nerves that control the muscles of the shoulder, elbow, wrist and hand, as well as provide feeling in the arm. Injuries to these nerves can result in conditions like Erb’s palsy or Klumpke’s palsy, and can cause loss of feeling and dexterity, as well as potential paralysis in the arms.

The American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons estimates that these conditions appear in one to two babies for every 1,000 live births. In addition to damage in the arms, nerve damage in other parts of the body can result in weakness, numbness, and paralysis elsewhere, including the face. This condition is reversible, but if the damage is severe enough, side effects from Erb’s and Klumpke’s palsy can be permanent.

Other complications during birth can deprive a newborn of oxygen, which can lead to brain damage. Oxygen deprivation or loss of blood flow to the brain can lead to permanent cognitive delay, as well as motor deficiency disorders like cerebral palsy. These types of conditions are usually permanent and can require a lifetime of medical care, with great financial and emotional stress.

Holding medical professionals accountable

If your child suffers a permanent birth injury, they may face a lifetime of challenges. And you may face ever-increasing expenses as you work to give your child the best quality of life you can despite those injuries. If those injuries occurred due to the negligence of a medical professional you trusted, you can hold them accountable and ensure your child will have the resources and care they’ll need to live their best and most comfortable life possible.

Has your child been diagnosed with a brachial plexus injury, cerebral palsy, brain damage, or any other similar injury? Plaxen Adler Muncy, P.A.’s team of Maryland birth injury lawyers can investigate your specific situation to determine if medical negligence paid a role. We fight for those who can’t fight for themselves. To learn more, or to schedule a free consultation, please call 410-730-7737 or fill out our contact form.