Charter Bus Accidents in Maryland

Charter Bus Accidents in MarylandThere are a lot of popular day trip destinations in Maryland, from State parks to the Inner Harbor, or even a day in the Capitol. A popular way to travel to these trips is with a charter bus, which can be booked by a private group and carry multiple people to their destination. It’s better than taking multiple cars, especially if your trip involves some adult beverages.

Buses in general are pretty safe, but they’re not immune to collisions; there were close to 40,000 bus crashes in 2020 across the country. It also doesn’t mean that you cannot be seriously injured in a bus accident. The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) also reports that in 2020, there were 156 buses involved in fatal crashes (the lowest on record since 1975) causing 176 deaths. (The National Safety Council reports that 54 of those fatalities were the result of school bus crashes.) Another 7,000 people sustained injuries as a result of a bus accident.

One such accident occurred recently, involving the bowling team from Delaware State University. Their charter bus was traveling to an out-of-state tournament; their bus driver ran off the road, and all 11 people (10 passengers plus the driver) needed medical care.

Who is liable in a Maryland charter bus accident?

There are many negligent acts that contribute to a charter bus accident. When a driver speeds, cuts other drivers off, or drives under the influence, those are considered acts of negligence. These acts can cause a serious accident. In such cases, the driver may be held liable for any injuries or losses people sustain.

However, the charter bus company may also be liable. Because these companies are private (as opposed to MTA buses, which are owned and operated by the state of Maryland), you can make a claim against them directly. Common examples of negligence that can lead to a claim against a charter bus company include:

  • Negligent hiring practices, where the company fails to conduct proper background checks on employees
  • Failure to train/supervise, where the company fails to ensure its drivers are following the laws
  • Failure to maintain their fleet, where the company allows a dangerous or unsafe bus into service

In some cases, it may be a manufacturer who is liable for your injuries. For example, if there is a defect in the steering column or tire treads, and that defect contributes to or causes a crash, then the manufacturer may share responsibility.

Failure to comply with federal common carrier standards

The FMCSA requires buses and trucks to provide certain safety requirements for their passengers. These standards include the presence of wheelchair lifts for disabled passengers.

Charter bus drivers are also required to follow the same hours-of-service regulations as truck drivers. That means that they are not allowed to drive for more than 10 consecutive hours on the road.

When a charter bus company fails to comply with these standards, they can be deemed Unsatisfactory by the FMCSA.

What injuries can result from Maryland bus accidents?

Your life can be turned upside down after being involved in a charter bus accident. You may have to spend weeks, months, or even years recovering from your injuries, and some may never fully heal. The recovery process can take time and money you may not have if you are left unable to work. Charter bus accidents, like rollovers or other automobile collisions, can cause any of the following injuries:

In the worst case scenario, a charter bus crash can be fatal.

What happens after I’m injured in a charter bus accident?

The very first thing you should do is seek medical attention, even if you don’t “feel” hurt; some injuries can take a few days to present with symptoms, and others may get worse if left untreated. Having an accurate record of your physical injuries as well as any symptoms you’re experiencing is a critical part of your case.

The next thing you want to do is call a Maryland personal injury lawyer who has experience with cases involving common carriers like charter buses. When it comes to personal injury law, our attorneys know how to build a case against a negligent party. We will work to show that:

  • The bus company and/or driver owed you a duty of reasonable care.
  • The defendant’s negligent or reckless actions deviated from that standard of care, leading to a breach of that duty.
  • That breach resulted in you being injured.
  • Your injury led to losses, or damages, that you otherwise would not have incurred.

Every charter bus accident is different. There are many factors of your accident that can affect your case. One of the factors involves how you want the case to be resolved. Your case can either be resolved through a settlement or a trial. If you and the other party can’t come to a mutual settlement agreement, your case may progress to a trial.

Even if you decide to settle with the other party, their legal team may attempt to delay the process. Even worse, they may offer you a low settlement offer. Having an experienced Maryland bus accident lawyer on your side can protect you throughout the process and will fight for your best interests against large companies and their insurers.

You should not have to fight for your compensation by yourself. Speak with an injury lawyer from Plaxen Adler Muncy, P.A. today. We represent injured clients throughout Maryland at our multiple offices. Call our office or submit our contact form to schedule a free consultation today.